Friday, September 4, 2009



The major component of my personal training philosophy can best summarized by the word "Feel".
Walk into any gym in the world and you will see someone slinging a barbell around, performing a curl without the faintest idea of what he is doing. He is just trying to have as much weight as possible, grunting and groaning, giving himself a hernia trying to get the weight up. Basically the whole point of working out is "muscular contraction",. That's the secret. "If you don't feel the muscle, you can't grow the muscle. "Feeling the contraction is one of the most important aspects of training. That's why I instruct my beginning clients to perform rehearsal workouts (using extremely light weights, perfect slow motion form and high reps) to open up the muscle-mind pathways and foster and awareness of muscle-contraction point. You must avoid thinking of weights as either heavy or light. Heavy versus light is a false dichotomy that leaves many trainers feeling dismissive and that cause them to adopt a program lacking in at least one important respect - "properly applied, every poundage has a use."If you think heavy weight training is the only way to work with muscles, you are dead wrong. In fact, periods of light weight training along with moderate and heavy workouts can help bring about dramatic changes in your physique. Light training can be tough, physically as well as mentally. The key to developing the mind-muscle link is focus. To pick up a 25 pound dumbbell and do a concentration curl is easy, yet it is entirely different thing to pick up same 25 pounds and keeping your arm in the optional plane of motion and not cheating, force the biceps to work hard through the entire range of motion and make each rep a powerful peak contraction. Always remember: Balance, Variety, and Feel with the techniques and supervision I will be giving you is the way to get there: "The most proportional and perfectly shape of your body."
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