Good posture is important to health. It is needed to keep the organs in place and to allow them to work efficiently and effectively.
Posture affects how you walk, run, jump, lift weights, and execute other skills. For example, if you have rounded shoulders, your arms may be slightly in front of your body instead of hanging alongside your body. As a result, you may find that instead of lifting the arms sideways directly overhead, you are lifting them up and in front of the body. This changes the muscular movement and the movement pathway.
When you have good posture, your muscles are in balance and your body is symmetrical.
Good posture makes you feel good. Because of its many benefits, such as ease of movement, good balance of muscle strength and flexibility, proper positioning of the spine and proper functioning of the internal organs, your body “feels” good and you therefore feel good.
To evaluate your posture, stand with your back against a wall. Your heels, backs of calves, buttocks, upper back and head should comfortably touch the wall. If you must strain to make all points of contact, then you probably have some deviations.
The relative strength and flexibility of the spinal muscles play a role in the alignment of the trunk and pelvis. When there are imbalances, three abnormal conditions can result: lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis.
The key to having a well-aligned and balanced body is to proportionally develop the muscles (agonists) on one side of the joint with the muscles on the other side of the joint (antagonists). Only in this way will the muscles keep your joints in the natural state and not allow any deviations to occur.
-The spine is the keystone of body structure. It must support the weight of your body.
Good posture makes you feel good. Because of its many benefits, such as ease of movement, good balance of muscle strength and flexibility, proper positioning of the spine and proper functioning of the internal organs, your body “feels” good and you therefore feel good.
To evaluate your posture, stand with your back against a wall. Your heels, backs of calves, buttocks, upper back and head should comfortably touch the wall. If you must strain to make all points of contact, then you probably have some deviations.
The relative strength and flexibility of the spinal muscles play a role in the alignment of the trunk and pelvis. When there are imbalances, three abnormal conditions can result: lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis.
The key to having a well-aligned and balanced body is to proportionally develop the muscles (agonists) on one side of the joint with the muscles on the other side of the joint (antagonists). Only in this way will the muscles keep your joints in the natural state and not allow any deviations to occur.
-The spine is the keystone of body structure. It must support the weight of your body.
-Intradiscal pressure when seated is up to 11 times greater than lying down, since sitting is inescapable for most of us, the best advice is to limit time spent sitting as much as possible, and design your workplace according to correct ergonomics.
Your feet must be sufficiently strong to keep your body equally balanced and your shins in line with the feet, head, trunk and upper extremities.
Pelvic asymmetry results in a deviance of symmetrical action in the lower trunk muscles because of the torque in the pelvis and the compensatory curvature and torque of the spinal column.
For more info please email to DavidSilva@DSFitness.com (or DSFitness@aol.com)
Your feet must be sufficiently strong to keep your body equally balanced and your shins in line with the feet, head, trunk and upper extremities.
Pelvic asymmetry results in a deviance of symmetrical action in the lower trunk muscles because of the torque in the pelvis and the compensatory curvature and torque of the spinal column.
For more info please email to DavidSilva@DSFitness.com (or DSFitness@aol.com)
or visit us at http://www.dsfitness.com/ (temporarly down for changes and updates)
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