Rule number 1: Always EAT AT LEAST 5 TIMES A DAY. Two or three meals are simply not enough. It is permissible to regard two of these meals as "snacks," provided they contain sufficient calories to get you to your next meal, and they are comprised of the appropriate ratio of macro nutrients as described in Rule Two. Your blood sugar and insulin levels will be controlled (and thus your energy level), you will get protein in small amounts throughout the day to support growth and recovery, and (most important) body fat will not be stored, but instead mobilized as an energy source. By providing your body with a consistent and frequent supply of just the right number of calories, its need to store fat is reduced.
Rule Number 2: In planning each of your daily meals (or snacks), a caloric ratio of approximately 1PART FAT, 2 PARTS PROTEIN, and 3 PARTS CARBOHYDRATES is a good place to begin. However, as you will see in Rule Number 3, this is just an estimate for average people. Depending on the intensity of your training level or daily routine, you may need more or less carbohydrates for energy. For the most part, choose low glycemic index carbohydrates, which are converted to blood sugar slowly so you can control your insulin levels. Remember, carbohydrates are your body's preferred energy fuel source, although fats work well too, particularly during aerobic training (provided the ratio of fats, protein and carbohydrates is kept within the recommended "zone").
Just remember that Carbs and Protein have 5 calories per gram, while Fat has 9 calories per gram.
Rule Number 3: When you sit down to eat, ask yourself, "What am I going to be doing for the next three hours of day or nigth?" If you nap, eat fewer carbohydrate foods; if you plan to train, eat more carbohydrates. In other words, ADJUST YOUR CARBOHYDRATES UP OR DOWN depending upon anticipated energy output. Remember, your pre-workout carbohydrates should be low glycemic.
Rule Number 4: You cannot lose fat quickly and efficiently unless you are in a negative calorie balance: taking in fewer calories than you are burning. Neither can you gain weight quickly and efficiently unless you are in a positive calorie balance: taking in more calories than you would need to maintain your current weight. So you must ALTERNATE PERIODS of negative caloric balance with periods of positive calorie balance. It does not matter if you are trying to lose total body weight, stay at the same weight or gain weight. This alteration will readjust your BMR upward, making it easier to keep fat off, support recovery and lean tissue building through insulin and glucagon control.
Rule Number 5: It is almost impossible to get all of the nutrients your body needs to remain healthy and active from food alone, particularly if you are on a diet. Therefore, it is important to SUPPLEMENT your diet with vitamins, minerals and other carefully selected substances to ensure maximum progress toward your fitness, health, muscle-building and fat-loss goals.
For any Fitness matter please email to DavidSilva@DSFitness.com or visit us at http://www.dsfitness.com/
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